Golden Shorts english

Shorts Attack in December 2023

6 film in 90 minutes – with German subtitles


Enjoy the GOLDEN SHORTS, celebrated at the INTERFILM Festival in November 2023: The dolphin film in a Greek pub encourages you to join in, the late GDR is reflected on in authentic depth, a young woman goes shopping in Tehran, while the Himalayas make strange noises and everyone in the Philippines takes a midday nap. Luckily, there’s a water dispenser in the cinema, so you can have a good fight for water!

The program:

Nothing_Holier_Than_A_Dolphin2bNOTHING HOLIER THAN A DOLPHIN
Isabella Margara
Greece 2022
17 min
Live Action Short
Sea mystic
Since too few fish are caught, they hope for a miracle. When the whole team starts a fishing myth performance, it goes: A dolphin goes into the net!


Lucas Malbrun
France 2023
18 min
Stasi thriller
Leipzig 1989, shortly before the fall of the East Bloc: Margarethe rebels against the East German regime and ends up in a psychiatric clinic.


Eöham Ahsas
Afghanistan / England 2023
13 min
Live Action Short
Fashion dama
In Taliban-controlled Afghanistan, Laili enters a Kabul boutique to buy her first chadari. It quickly becomes evident that her decision is the result of coercion.


Stenzin Tankong
France / Inda 2022
14 min
Himalaya sounds
A shepherd wearing unmistakably chic glasses hears a mysterious sound coming from the Himalayan peaks. The villagers aren’t convinced the spooky hum is worth investigating


Samir Arabzadeh
Sweden 2022
14:30 min
Documentary film
Who hasn’t dreamed of a power nap at the office? In the Philippines, that’s no problem. Whether you’re a salesperson, a snack bar employee or a seamstress.


Lisa Sallustio
Belgium / France 2023
11:30 min ive Action Short
Spot-on critique of capitalism: teams red and blue vie for a turn at the water cooler, though there’s enough to go around. Exponential escalation, generating wealth for another in the end.


Founded in 2002 and every month new: This is edition 252 of Shorts Attack!



Original Theme by Falling Up Media